Discover the Practice that Fits Your Self
Practice with me live, online or one-on-one! I focus on building strong, steady minds and bodies while demystifying the underlying principles of yoga.
Most Recent
Practice 45 min. of Yoga Flow class with me! These are livestreams from the Virtual Y, which has free classes on YouTube every day!
This yoga class teaches how to tap and build the power of our inner sun! A freely-available studio-length practice.
How living through a pandemic taught me lessons about presence, space, discipline, equity and stress.
An intermediate class in the style of the Sivananda school of yoga. This is a full, studio-length practice that moves with poses through the chakras!
Two short yoga asana practices that help prepare the spine and hips for meditation.
An intermediate class with lots of variations! This is a full, studio-length practice incorporating breath work, asana (postures) and meditation at the end.
A 90 minute yoga and meditation practice. The theme is our “central line” or “sacred stream” … the energy in the region of the spine. Includes meditation at the end.
A 75 minute yoga practice whose theme is “Balancing the front and back of the body.” Includes meditation at the end.
Practice a 30 min. of quieting mindful meditation, with a small amount of slow flowing movement.
Practice a 30 min. Yoga Flow class with me! This recording is courtesy of the Virtual Y.
The topic of meditation can be confusing to beginners. Learn a few things about the practice of meditation within the yoga tradition.
A meditation to activat the susumna nadi… where we “sway the spine.” In order to achieve any higher purpose in life, we need to learn how to become and remain centered.
The Still Lake of the Mind meditation is a “lunar practice,” a meditation for making the mind more cool, calm and reflective.
A review of Judith Hanson Lasater’s Living Your Yoga, highlighting my personal “a-ha” moments.
Become more attuned to the energetic pathways in the body and practice ways to get moving again, by practicing a Prāṇa vāyu meditation.
What is yoga and is it for me? This article provides some insight and direction.
Get to know the components of the sound of Om (A-U-M), and how to practice chanting it.
Learn about the role of concentration in context of the practice of yoga, and do a candle gazing meditation.
Exploring the ways in which our actions have unwanted effects in our lives. With a special meditation practice to transform negativity.
“By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness.”
—The Yoga Sutras 1:33, Translation by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Current Classes
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About Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus is the child of Michael Kooiman, a Registered Yoga Teacher (500 RYT).